Message from the Advisor
It is important for the students to gain real-world experience and apply their learnings in practical situations. That's where part-time placements come in. By introducing part-time placements, we can give our students the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience and make connections in their field of study. This not only helps students to develop practical skills and knowledge, but also gives them a competitive edge when it comes to finding internships and full-time employment after graduation. Additionally, there will be a curated list of training programs offered to the students. We know that our students are constantly faced with new challenges and opportunities that require our students to be at the top of the game. Whether the students are studying for exams, working on a group project, or preparing for a career after graduation, they need to be well-trained and equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. That's where training comes in. By taking advantage of training programs and resources available to our students, our students can gain the skills and expertise needed to excel in their studies and future career. These skills will serve them well not just in their academic pursuits, but also in personal and professional life.